Instrument Rating Training and Resources


Welcome to the my support page for Instrument training.
On this web page you can download my Instrument Rating book called "Passing the EASA Instrument Rating" aimed at students completing the EASA CB-IR or IR(A) instrument rating.


This book is unique in that unlike all the EASA ATPL thoery material and other books which tell you what things are, my book concentrates on how to fly in instrument conditions.


I do not teach you what a VOR is, I will teach you how to use it. I will not teach you what an NDB does, I will tell you how to track it accurately, within test limits and how to quickly, simply and accurately compensate for wind.

Not only that, I will give you hints, tips and tricks on how to reduce mental overload when flying in IMC conditions.


Material is under constant review through feedback from staff and students, and therefore this Web Site will be updated with the latest supporting materials. Please take the time to regularly visit and update your documents.


All the material is provided on an "honourware" basis.
I do not charge you to download my materials, but if you find my material useful then I ask you to honour it by either making a contribution to me or a my designated charity which is Parkinsons Reseach (UK).


Please enjoy and learn.


Stephen Evans


Site last updated: 31/04/2024

Training Exercises, IF Plates and Training Notes

Passing the EASA Instrument Rating (pratical student notes for the CB-IR and IR(A) for PPL and CPL) Click Here May 2024

(c) 2019 - 2024 Stephen R.S. Evans. For suggestions or errors, eMail: All practice plates are the original works of the the copyright owner. All works designed, authored, produced and owned by Stephen R.S. Evans. All rights reserved. For permission to download and use these plates, contact author directly.